January 19, 2015

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Crafted by Guitarists for Guitarists to Upgrade your play.

Music Spotlight: Aaron Watson

Today's music spotlight features Aaron Watson, who's single That Look is currently residing at the top of the Texas Music Chart. As Billboard.com notes, Watson's earliest musical influences were 'the gospel hymns he sang in church with his family and the classic country records by George Jones, Merle Haggard, and Willie Nelson.' The excerpt below from Watson's website bio truly exemplifies what brings his music to life:

"Countless hours on the road and many more still spent toiling away at his guitar, writing songs with Jesus on one shoulder and the ghost of Waylon Jennings on the other, making the country tunes he was born to play."

Waton's music is a blend of guitar and a whiskey-esque voice that creates an incredible sound. My favorite songs include That Look, July In Cheyenne, & Fast Cars Slow Kisses. 

 You can follow Aaron Watson on Twitter @aaron_watson. His music is available here.

Hogjim is a small business specializing in innovative guitar gear. To check out some of their products, click here.

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March 22, 2015

Thomas Fogartya0is a recent aidtdion to thea0PLAYGROUND DETROITa0contributora0team, focused on speaking witha0entrepreneursa0anda0influencers in Detroit communitiesa0into ‘the PD spotlight.’a0Thomas lives in the Virginia Park historica0neighborhood in Detroit.a0He also is an active member of the community, involved with Restore Church, which in aidtdion to providing traditionala0religiousa0services, is dedicated to engaging the local community and re-building as well as cleaning up the area. Tags: 2051 Rosa Parks Blvd, Anthology Coffee, Chelsea Hotel, Corktown Cinema, Scott Griffin Previous postARTIST SPOTLIGHT: GEORGE RAHME & PUBLIC POOL

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